Dry Eyes

Some causes of dry eye:
- Some medications can cause dry eyes as a side effect.
- Systemic diseases, such as Sjogren's, for example.
- Refractive laser surgery (Lasik) is known to worsen dry eyes. 
- Dry climate.
- Reduced blinking rate, especially while using a computer or other electronic device.
- Applying eyeliner inside the lash line. It will clog the openings of the tear glands, which can lead to dry eyes.
- Menopause

Treatments for dry eye for those who do not wear contact lenses:
Artificial tears (Oasis Tears): Provides instant relief, but only lasts a few minutes and must be reused all the time to be effective.

Liquid gel (Oasis Tears Plus): 
Lasts longer than artificial tears. Better choice for mild to moderate dry eyes. Still have to use many times a day. 

Lasts even longer, but will blur your vision for a few seconds.

Lasts the longest, but will definitely blur your vision for a while. Best if applied at nighttime, right before going to sleep.

if you wear contact lenses, all options mentioned above will coat the lenses and blur your vision.

Treatments for dry eye for those who wear contact lenses:
Consider wearing Daily Contact Lenses with built-in re-wetting drops.
If still not effective, add re-wetting drops as needed.
It is not recommended to mix and match brands to prevent allergic reactions. For example, if you normally use Opti-Free Pure Moist contact lens solution, you should purchase Opti-Free Pure Moist re-wetting drops.

Treatment options that can be used with or without contact lenses:
Omega-3 vitamin capsules (Nordic Naturals)
Taken by mouth, they help your eyes produce more stable tears.
Requires high dosages to be efficient: Every morning, take 2 capsules of 2,000 mg each.
Must allow 2-3 weeks before noticing results.
Not available at the pharmacy.

Warm Mask (Oasis Mask)
Stimulates meibomian glands (glands responsible for producing tears).

Tea Tree Oil (Oasis Tea Tree Oil-infused pads)
Cleans the opening of meibomian glands and promotes better tear production.

Eye drops that will make your eyes produce more tears on their own.
Must allow 3-6 months before noticing results.
Available by prescription only.

Another eye drops that will make your eyes produce more tears on their own.
Must allow 3-6 months before noticing results.
Available by prescription only.

Punctal plugs: 
Clog the punctum (hole in the eyelid by which tears exit the eye) resulting in more tears covering the surface of the eye.
Performed by an ophthalmologist (specialist who can perform surgery).

Punctal cautery: 
Permanent solution where the punctum is cauterized (closed by surgery).
Performed by an ophthalmologist (specialist who can perform surgery).