What is the Best Age for Lasik Surgery
Legally, you must be at least 18 years old to undergo Lasik surgery in the United States.
Surgeons will wait until your vision is stable, meaning no more changes in prescription before performing lasik. This varies greatly from one person to the next. Some people's vision stabilizes at a very young age. For others, it never does.
Sometime after 40 years old, you will develop presbyopia, which means that refractive laser surgery would only correct your distance vision.
In other words, you would need to wear reading glasses to perform near tasks.
There is one way to get around having to wear readers, after laser surgery: monovision.
The dominant eye is set for distance vision and the other eye is set for near vision.
Another factor to consider is that the older people get, the more likely they will have dry eyes. Refractive laser surgery worsens dry eyes. If you already have moderate to severe dry eyes, laser may not be an option for you.